HM The King visited Battersea Power Station, London SW11

HM The King, Royal Founding President, The King’s Trust, visited Battersea Power Station, 44 Electric Boulevard, London SW11, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London (Sir Kenneth Olisa), the Chairman of Battersea Power Station (Mr. Tan Sri Jagan Sabapathy) and Councillor Sana Jafri (Mayor of the London Borough of Wandsworth).

His Majesty visited Battersea Community Christmas Market, was received by Mr. Jonathan Townsend (Chief Executive Officer, The King’s Trust) and met stallholders.

The King afterwards visited Apple Incorporated’s United Kingdom Headquarters, was received by Mr. Timothy Cook (Chief Executive Officer, Apple Incorporated) and met Apple members of staff, local schoolchildren and young people who have participated in The King’s Trust programmes partnered by Apple.