The Deputy Lieutenants of Greater London

Mike is the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London. He served as an RAF helicopter pilot in the UK and overseas, and latterly in NATO’s Rapid Reaction Force HQ and the Army’s Directorate of Land Warfare. After retiring in 2000 he became involved with charitable organisations. He is a school governor, trustee of Classical Road Show – enabling young children to sing – and until recently a trustee of Action for Blind People and Vice-Chair of Gresham College. He was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London in 2007, Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in 2009, and Vice Lord-Lieutenant in 2011. Mike was Master of the Mercers’ Company in 2002, is a City of London guide, and rings his church bells in Fulham. He is married to Gilly, and they have two daughters.

Tariq Abbasi has worked as an Investment Banker and as a real estate developer for the past twenty five years. In addition to running his own business, he has been serving as a trustee for several national and International charitable organisations, supporting and advocating peace and justice. In addition he has also assisted in educating young children from under privileged backgrounds.

Tariq served as the Director / Trustee of Greenwich Islamic Centre for over 2 decades and received his MBE in 2011 for his tireless work for community cohesion in the Royal Borough of Greenwich and Bexley. Tariq is Secretary General of WMC which has a consultative status at the UN and Observer at OIC. He currently sits on AFMF and tell MAMA advisory board.

Tariq is a Freeman of the Royal Borough of Greenwich and the recipient of a lifetime achievement award for his services to community.

In April 2015 he received a personal commendation from the Chief of Defence Staff General Sir Nicholas Houghton CDS GCB CBE ADC Gen for services to the British Armed Forces. Tariq is a founder member of the Armed Forces Muslim Forum.

Tariq is married to Zalina with three grown up children.

A Clinical Chemist by profession and recipient of the International Fellowship from the American Association for Clinical Chemistry; ex Member of the WHO Expert Panel on Rational Use of Antibiotics; founding Chair of Chelsea Muslim Community Hub; Member of the Bi-Borough Prevent & Community Advisory Group; Governor to an outstanding NGA Federation Champion, Fox-Ashburnham Federation and tireless worker for social inclusion, equality and unity among various communities and faith groups in the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea.

Formerly Director of Clinical Laboratories for the Capital Health Region & Amiri Teaching Hospital in Kuwait; Associate Professor & Consultant Clinical Biochemist at St Luke’s Teaching Hospital in Malta; General Secretary, Arab Federation of Clinical Biochemists; Vice-President, Arab Federation of Clinical Biologists.

Lives in Chelsea with his two grown up sons.

Lady Arnold (Elizabeth) has worked for the last 20 years in the Not for Profit Sector in London, mainly in the arts but also with youth homeless. Her emphasis is always on youth education and opportunity.





William Atkinson spent 42 years teaching in secondary schools mainly in Inner London, including 27 years as Headteacher of four different schools.

William has extensive experience of working with the voluntary sector. He is currently chair of The Lyric Board Hammersmith, Board member of the Royal Shakespeare Company, Trustee of The Clink Charity, Governor of Tottenham University Technical College, Trustee of The Urbis Academy Trust. William has contributed to a wide range of TV and Radio broadcasts. In 2008 William was Knighted for services to Education and the Community.

William is married to Jacquie and they have four adult children.



Paul spent 39 years in HM Customs and Excise, of which 32 were as a criminal investigator. He retired as the Deputy Chief Investigation Officer responsible for customs law enforcement in Northern England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. From 2000 to 2010 he worked for the UN and the EU in the Balkans setting up and then monitoring the customs service in Kosovo. Paul was an Army Reserve Officer retiring after 35 years service with the rank of Colonel. He was Rep DL for Redbridge for 4 years. He is particularly interested in Army Reserve matters, cadets and young people in uniform and in overseas development. He contributes to SSAFA, the Red Cross and is Vice Chairman and Trustee of the Kent and Sharpshooters Yeomanry Association.

Following a short career in the Royal Navy, Peter joined the
Royal Naval Reserve. He was based onboard HMS President in London
and served for over 30 years. In his civilian career, he worked in
Information Technology with the Department of Health, retiring
after 35 years service. He is married to Jacqueline and lives in
Essex. He enjoys hill walking, music and military history.



Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari MBE, PGCE, FRSA is a noted British civic leader, intellectual-activist, author and commentator. He is an educationalist and parenting consultant.

He is an Honorary Fellow of Queen Mary University of London and an Honorary Doctor of Education from University of East London. He was a board member of the London 2012’s (Olympic and Paralympic Games) Organising Committee.

Dr Bari has been involved with Muslim Council of Britain, East London Mosque, Citizens UK and a number of large charities in various capacities.



John has been chief executive of a charity in Newham for the last 20
years , this followed 20 successful years in the property world mainly
in Essex and the East London area, his interests are the City of
London, of which he has been Prime Warden of his livery company, and
the arts and antiques, and travel when time allows. For many years he
has been a trustee of Newham Music Academy, a church warden and school


Ian currently serves as a Non-Executive Director for Smith and Nephew Plc, Foxtons Plc and Brunner Investment Trust Plc, chairing the Audit Committee at each company. He is also the lead non executive director, chairing the Board, of HM Revenue and Customs and a board member of the China-Britain Business Council. Ian retired from KPMG LLP in 2008 as Senior Partner, London. He is a former member of the London Development Agency (2008-12), Chairman of Think London, the former inward investment agency (2003-11), Trustee of Historic Royal Palaces (2008-13) and Chairman of the Racecourse Association, the trade body for the UK’s racecourses (2009-15).

Ian is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser. He holds an MA in Engineering Science from Cambridge University.
A barrister with a Government Legal Service background, his professional career was principally as City Remembrancer from 1986 – 2003:the Parliamentary Agent, Chief of Protocol and Ceremonial Officer of the City of London Corporation. Adrian was appointed CVO in 1996 and a Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London in 2002 where his role for some years included reviewing all QAVS nominations. A Governor of The Music Therapy Charity from 1995 – 2016, he was Chairman of the Governors from 1997 – 2003 and of the Research Committee form 2014 – 2016. A Bencher of Gray’s Inn from 2000, he chaired The Wimbledon Guild of Social Welfare from 2004 -2008, the Counselling Service, a major HR review and the Centenary Celebrations in 2007. A Freeman of the City following his election as Deputy Remembrancer in 1982 and more recently of the Arts Scholars’ Company which he helped to set up, Adrian has been a Liveryman of the Merchant Taylors’ Company since 1989. His wife, Sally, much enjoys running a women’s book group for charity, this year for Merton Carers, and working on book donations with her fellow volunteers at the local Oxfam shop. They have a son and a daughter.
Baroness Floella Benjamin, OBE is an actress, independent television producer of award winning programmes, author of over 30 books and children’s television presenter, best known for presenting the iconic Play School & PlayAway. She has appeared in several West End musicals and numerous television dramas and films. Born in Trinidad she emigrated to the UK in 1960 and her book ‘Coming to England’ gives an account her challenging early experiences in Britain. Always a political campaigner she lobbied for 20 years for a Minister for Children, which was created in 2003. She is Chancellor of Exeter University and was elevated to the peerage as Baroness Floella Benjamin of Beckenham in Kent in 2010 and speaks on children’s and diversity issues. Floella supports several children’s charities, she is a Vice President of Barnardo’s and has run ten consecutive London marathons for them.

Karan Bilimoria is the founder of Cobra Beer, Chairman of the Cobra Beer Partnership Limited, a Joint Venture with Molson Coors, and Chairman of Molson Coors Cobra India.

Lord Bilimoria is the Founding Chairman of the UK India Business Council, a former Chancellor of Thames Valley University (now the University of West London); he was the youngest University Chancellor in the UK when appointed. Karan is Senior Non-Executive Director of the Booker Group PLC; he is one of the first two visiting entrepreneurs at the University of Cambridge; he is a founding member of the Prime Minister of India’s Global Advisory Council. In 2006, Karan Bilimoria was appointed the Lord Bilimoria of Chelsea, making him the first ever Zoroastrian Parsi to sit in the House of Lords. He is an honorary fellow of Sidney Sussex College Cambridge and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Judge Business School, Cambridge University. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Ernst & Young and graduated in law from the University of Cambridge. In July 2014, he was installed as the seventh Chancellor of the University of Birmingham, making him the first Indian-born Chancellor of a Russell Group University in Great Britain, and he is the President of the UK Council for International Students Affairs (UKCISA).

Jenny is a former secondary school teacher who

served 16 years on Westminster City Council. She was Lord
Mayor of the City of Westminster in 1993/4. Jenny currently
runs a catering business in central London.



Lord Boyce (Mike) spent 42 years in the Royal Navy with his career culminating in being First Sea Lord and then Chief of Defence Staff. He is Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover Castle, is involved in a large number of charities – mainly service ones or related to the Cinque Ports, although he has been Chairman of the RNLI, President of St John Ambulance London District and a Trustee of the National Maritime Museum; he has been Master of the Drapers’ Livery Company; and he sits as a Cross-Bencher in the House of Lords.





Born in Hackney in 1950 Mike was blinded aged ten, by a firework concealed in a bottle.

Mike has had 2 parallel careers – one in sport and the other in social work/voluntary sector. Mike regards his greatest sporting moments as, representing his country at cross-country Skiing in the Paralympics and being a Board Member of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Bid Team and then the Organising Committee.

Mike’s working highlights have been, working as a social worker and manager in four London Boroughs and setting up VISION 2020 UK, which is an umbrella charity in the sight loss sector.

Having retired in 2012 Mike now undertakes speaking engagements to challenge perceptions of disability, and to raise funds for his many charities.


Kay has worked in both public and private sector: initially a Whitehall civil servant, she moved to management consultancy, particularly in post-communist eastern Europe. She was The Queen’s Assistant Private Secretary 1999-2002, and then Chief of Staff to six Lord Mayors of the City of London. Currently she is Chief of Staff to the Archbishop of Canterbury. She is on the Advisory Council of the LSO, and is a Governor of Sherborne Girls’ School. In addition to music and education, her interests include prisons, dance, young offenders and the natural world. She was educated at Somerville College Oxford and London Business School.

Mark completed 25 years service with the Metropolitan Police, 20 years as a Detective.

Having served for 37 years with the Army Cadet Force, his present appointments are Colonel Cadets at HQ London
District and a Trustee of the Army Cadet Force Association.

Hobbies include restoration of old military vehicles and making walking sticks.


Ann’s professional life was as a primary headteacher and educationalist. Having been a volunteer in St John Ambulance for
over 40 years, she’s held a variety of posts and was the first female Commissioner of London St John. She currently has
responsibility for major events and resilience and is also an adviser on volunteering for the national headquarters. When her
spare time permits, she enjoys reading, cooking and walking.



Bruce became a Deputy Lieutenant in February 2015. With the exception of three years spent living in Japan, he has lived and worked in London in the banking, insurance and asset management industries for more than 30 years. He is passionate about theatre and history and currently serves as a Trustee of Historic Royal Palaces, the charity responsible for looking after six former royal palaces, including The Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace and Kensington Palace and serves as a Trustee of Shakespeare’s Globe Trust which manages the Globe Theatre and Education complex on the South Bank.

Bruce is a graduate of Oxford University and lives in South West London.
Following her time as a drama teacher and then theatre Stage Manager, Sandy began her 30 year career in television. She started in Production, working on a variety of shows ranging from major entertainment and comedies to classic dramas. She moved to broadcasting, was a Member of the Channel Four launch team before returning to the BBC in charge of Transmission. Amongst her other responsibilities was management of the Weather Centre and Childrens’ BBC presentation. Finally she became the Controller of TV Operations.

Sandy is currently the Chairman of the Hurlingham Club, a Friend of Wandsworth Prison and a Trustee of the Arts Educational School in SW London. Theatre, Bridge and Cornwall are her passions.
Ewen is a former regular and
Territorial Army officer. A solicitor, he is on the board of
two property companies. He is the chairman of the Greater
London Reserve Forces and Cadets Association and holds
various trusteeships, including a pension fund and a
heritage agricultural estate. He is a member of Her
Majesty’s Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at


Thomas is of Hong Kong Chinese origin and has worked in the
voluntary and public sectors. He has served on various public
committees including the Metropolitan Police Committee and the
Home Secretary’s Race Relations Forum.

In 2001, he started his own business specialising in delivering
business consultancy support for small and medium size
enterprises. He has been active in supporting the UK’s Chinese
community for over thirty years with the aim of promoting better
dialogue between UK policy makers and members of the community.

Thomas served as a Councillor in the London Borough of Redbridge
for 12 years and in 2009/10, he was elected Mayor of the Borough
– the first ethnic Chinese to hold this position in the UK.

He enjoys films, current affairs and travelling.

After leaving school, Viscount Chelsea (Edward) joined the Royal Air Force in 1987 and served for 11 years in the RAF Regiment. In 2002 he joined his local Territorial Army regiment (51 Highland), becoming Commanding Officer of 7 SCOTS in February 2010. He handed over command at the end of 2012 and is currently with SO1 Army Reform (Reserve).

He is Chairman of the family company, Cadogan Estates Limited, and also manages the family’s Scottish estate in Perthshire. His other directorships include Cadogan Hall Limited (Chairman), The Royal Hospital Chelsea Appeal Limited (Volunteer Fundraiser), The Committee of the Friends of the Royal Hospital (Chairman), The Turquoise Mountain Trust (Trustee) and the Natural History Museum (Trustee). In October 2012, he became a Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London.

He divides his time equally between London and Scotland, and is married to Tina with whom he has three children; Philippa (23), George (19) and Charlie (16). He spends his spare time keeping fit, engaging in country pursuits, skiing and leading an outdoor, active life.


David Dangoor was educated in Baghdad, Wallingford, Imperial College London and IBM, after which he worked in UK commercial property. He is a Vice President of the Jewish Leadership Council, and an active Sponsor/Governor of The Westminster Academy in a deprived area of West London. His family foundation, The Exilarch’s Foundation, supports numerous other charities including in education, widening access, science research and medical innovation. Passionate about encouraging young people into science and medicine , David is Honorary President of the Space Science Engineering Foundation and is also a member of the International Board of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

He recently zip-wired across the Thames, by the Houses of Parliament, in support of the Evelina Children’s Hospital. He and his wife Judy have 4 adult children.


Lord Dannatt (Richard) was a soldier for forty years concluding his military career as Chief of the General Staff – the professional head of the British Army. Since retiring from active duty in 2009, he has been Constable of the Tower of London and in 2011 became an independent member of the House of Lords. He is a frequent commentator on defence and security issues in the media. He is Chairman of the Strategic Advisory Board of the Durham Global Security Institute which focuses on conflict prevention through the integration of defence, diplomacy and development. He is also on a number of other boards in the private and charitable sectors, and holds several other appointments including President of Help for Heroes. He divides his time between London and his family home in Norfolk where he is a Deputy Lieutenant for both counties. He published his autobiography: “Leading from the Front” in 2010. He is married with four children.
Jane has been a nurse for over 40 years working mostly within Accident and Emergency in London but currently is the Secondary care nurse for NHS Camden Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body and sits on Conduct and Competence panels for the Nursing and Midwifery Council. She served in the Army Reserve for 36 years retiring in 2015 as the Deputy Commander at 2nd Medical Brigade in the rank of Colonel. Jane was deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 as the Senior Nurse for the Role 3 Hospital at Camp Bastion. Jane served from 2005 to 2009 as the Queens Honorary Nurse and in 2014 was appointed as Col Commandant Queen Alexander’s Royal Army Nursing Corps. She was awarded the Territorial Decoration in 1994, the QVRM in the New Year’s Honours in 2001 and the OBE in the New Year’s Honours in 2012.

Amongst a variety of charitable interests she is a trustee of The HALO Trust and the Army Medical Services Museum. Jane travels widely with The HALO Trust as a medical advisor where her involvement includes development of medical training programmes, procurement of medical equipment and the training and validation of minefield paramedics
Robert has served as a Councillor on Westminster City Council since 1982 and is currently the longest serving member of the Council. He is Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for the Built Environment with specific responsibility for Planning, the Mayoralty and Special Events. He also chairs the principal Planning Application Committees.

Cllr Davis was Lord Mayor of Westminster in 1996-1997 and currently serves as a rota Deputy Lord Mayor. He is also a Deputy Lieutenant for Greater London.

He also chairs the London Mayors’ Association and the Board of the Open Air Theatre in Regent’s Park as well as being a Trustee of Mousetrap Theatre Project, the Savoy Educational Trust and the Sir Simon Milton Foundation set up in the name of his late civil partner Sir Simon Milton (former Deputy Mayor of London). In 2014 he was voted “Conservative Councillor of the Year” in a national newspaper.

He was educated at Gonville & Caius College Cambridge and at Wolfson College Cambridge before training as a Solicitor at the College of Law in Lancaster Gate.

Cllr Davis is a solicitor and recently retired as a partner in Freeman Box, where he specialised in property law.

Nirj Deva is a Member of the European Parliament for the South East of England, having been elected in 1999 and subsequently re-elected in 2004, 2009 and 2014. Within the Parliament, Nirj holds the position of Vice-Chairman of the Development Committee. He studied aeronautical engineering at Loughborough University before entering business; he remains a company chairman and director. In 1981 he was appointed as Chairman of the Bow Group. From 1992-97, Nirj was Member of Parliament for Brentford & Isleworth. During this time, he served as PPS in the Scottish Office, in addition to his position as special advisor for ethnic affairs. In 2006, Nirj was a candidate to succeed Kofi Annan as UN Secretary-General and also ran for the position of President of the European Parliament (2011). Nirj has been a Deputy Lieutenant for the Lord Lieutenancy of London since 1985.

Born and educated in SW London, Simon is a Cambridge graduate who has a range of non-executive roles in the public and private sectors. A former Chairman of the City of London Police Authority, Simon chaired the National Olympics Security Oversight Group from 2009-12, and was then tasked by the Home Office to establish the Association of Police & Crime Commissioners, where he serves as a Board Member. He helped to set up and develop the National Crime Agency and is currently the senior non-executive Director at the Serious Fraud Office (SFO).

Simon briefly served with the HAC in the early 1980s but was recalled to duty as Deputy Hon.Colonel of the Royal Military Police in 2012, a rather unexpected promotion! He was appointed as the Hon.Colonel of the newly formed 1 MP Brigade in 2015; he is also Vice-Chairman of the City’s RFCA.

Simon has been a member of the City’s Court of Common Council since 2000, he was appointed a DL in 2008, and then as one of HM’s Lieutenants for the City of London in 2010. Married to Caroline, they live in Southwark, a stone’s throw from the IWM, but spend parts of the year at Caroline’s parental home on the southern shore of the Firth of Firth just outside Edinburgh.


David was born in SE London and has worked in the capital throughout his entire career. He served as a uniformed officer for 26 years, across all parts of London, in the London Fire Brigade, attending many of the major incidents that occurred in the capital during that period. Since 2000, David has worked for the London Borough of Bexley, and currently has responsibility for a number of departments, including the organisation and management of election events, the delivery of the Registrar’s service and the promotion of the Mayoralty and work of local Councillors. David is passionate about the role of the Mayoralty in local areas and is keen to further young people’s knowledge and understanding of this historical aspect of London’s heritage. He has served as a Magistrate on the SE London Bench for over 10 years. David and his wife, Janet, have four children and four grandchildren.


Jeremy Fern is a consultant in areas including flows of trade and investment between the UK and the Middle East, infrastructure, renewable energy and business growth. Previously he worked for the City of London Corporation and before that in asset management and stockbroking.

He served in the Territorial Army for 35 years, is a governor of a girls high school in Lambeth, is a Past Master of the Farriers Company and is married to Vicky, a teacher of modern languages. They have three children.

Jeremy’s interests include education and skills, the history of London and its people, and growing vegetables!


Stephen is a retired private banker who spent his working life with Coutts & Co in various appointments, mainly in the City of London.

He was a member of the Army Reserve for 30 years and was appointed as a Deputy Lieutenant in 1996. He served as the Representative Deputy Lieutenant for Barking and Dagenham between 1997 and 2004.

He is a Past Master of the Drapers Company, Chairman of Drapers’ Brookside Junior School and a Director of the Drapers’ Multi Academy Trust.

His voluntary appointments include President of Barking and Dagenham Scout District, Vice-President of NE County of London Scouts, Honorary Colonel of 71st (City of London) Yeomanry Signal Regiment and Honorary Steward at Westminster Abbey.


Dr Sheila Gewolb is Vice President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and chairs the Community and Education Division. Much of her work focuses on outreach education and she has recently set up the Jewish Visitors Schools Network (JVSN) which aims to provide a centralised resource for schools wanting to learn more about Judaism. She personally visits many schools, both primary and secondary, in the greater London area, to speak about her own personal Jewish journey and how understanding and respect for people of all faiths and none is vital for community cohesion.




Geoffrey ran his own marketing consultancy for 20
years with clients such as the Motor Show and Yves Saint
Laurent Perfumes; he then worked as a Management Consultant
specialising in developing fundraising programmes for such
organisations as Harefield Hospital and the Treloar Trust,
and was CEO of GamCare which provides treatment for problem
gamblers. He served in the Honourable Artillery Company and
commanded it in 1985/86. He is a keen horseman, President of
the HAC Saddle Club, Director of the Hampton Court Horse
Rangers, and Vice-President of Ham Polo Club. He is
currently the Common Cryer and Serjeant-at-Arms to the Lord
Mayor, and also rides motorbikes.


Rupert was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge. Founder and Chairman of FIRST (FIRST is a double winner of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise – 2010 and 2013). Chairman of World Petroleum, Chairman of World Energy Insight, Founder Director (with General The Lord Richards) of Equilibrium, Chairman of Elmbridge Partners, and Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society. He was a Trustee of the National Botanic Garden of Wales (2005-2008) and a PPA Award winner in 1993. He was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London in 2012 and is the recipient of a London Metropolitan Police Commissioner’s Commendation. He is a Vice-President of Fauna and Flora International, a Founder Trustee of the British-Kazakh Society (2002-present), and was elected Chairman of the BKS in 2013. He is a member of the Development Board of Artes Mundi and founded the Responsible Capitalism Initiative in 2000, co-editing (with Lord Cormack) the book Responsible Capitalism in 2009. He is Trustee and Deputy Chair of Prince’s Trust International. He is a Freeman of the City of London (2013). Rupert Goodman is married to Pamela (a Travel Editor) and they have three children (Felix, Polly and Lucy).
Charles became a DL of Greater London in 1999 and Representative DL for Islington in 2011. He was born in City of London Maternity Hospital, Islington. Later Resident, Medical Student, Arsenal Season-Ticket holder, School Governor, Consulting Physician and Charity Executive in the Borough.

Qualified at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. Commissioned into The Life Guards he served as Medical Officer in Germany, Northern Ireland, Cyprus and London. He re-enlisted – whilst a Member of Parliament – as a Lieutenant Colonel In Gulf War 1 in the Liberation of Kuwait. He was the Principal of 2 leading Occupational Health practices.

As a Member of Parliament (1987-97) he served as PPS in the Departments of the Treasury, Environment and Transport. He has held Directorships of 2 FTSE 250 companies and is currently the Chairman of a multi-national Security Printing company.

His Charitable interests have included the London Playing Fields Foundation (Chief Executive) , Countryside Alliance (Chm), Combat Stress (V-Pres) , Canning House (Dir Gen) and the Rural Trust (Chm- now absorbed into the Prince’s Countryside Fund). He is also qualified as a Barrister (Inner Temple). He is a Member of the HAC and a Freeman of the City of London.

The Langham, London’s Diplomatic
Consultant, Christopher, a former Army officer, was also a senior
figure in both public and private banking, recently engaged in promoting
UK financial services to international markets. He is also a non-executive
director of the British-Croatian Chamber of Commerce, board member of the
Association of Economic Representatives in London and a consultant for the
Official Monetary Financial Institutions Forum.

Nitesh Gor is Chief Executive of Avanti Schools Trust. His experience encompasses CEO and director roles across the exploration, management consultancy and investment banking industries. He is a published author (Dharma of Capitalism, Kogan Page 2011) and a contributor to publications such as Forbes. Nitesh has a broad business strategy background gained as a result of working for two leading corporate strategy consultancies and as an independent advisor to corporate boards. His primary corporate focus is on leadership, strategy and entrepreneurship. Nitesh has an MBA from London Business School and an undergraduate degree from the University of London.



Sir Paul Grant has been Headteacher at Robert Clack School of Science in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham since April 1997. Robert Clack School of Science is a mixed, maintained comprehensive school, 11-18, which has risen from 1,200 pupils to over 2,000 pupils on three sites.

Sir Paul is a National Leader in Education. He was knighted for services to local and national education, appointed Deputy Lieutenant for Greater London and was bestowed the Freedom of Barking and Dagenham in 2009. Sir Paul is a Trustee of the Robert Clack School Alumni and in 2012 he was appointed Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Education at the University of Hull, and Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education at Anglia Ruskin University. In 2013 he was appointed to the FA Premier League’s National Advisory Committee on Education.


Colleen is a communications professional and writer who has spent 30 years developing and managing strategies for Government Ministers, the UK Royal Family and multilateral organisations including as the Press Secretary to HRH The Prince of Wales, PRO to the former PM, Baroness Thatcher and as Communications Consultant at the WHO and the UN. Wishing to spend more time with her family, Colleen built her own PR and coaching consultancy. She serves on not-for-profit boards the YMCA (Central) and Dulwich Picture Gallery and is also a Member of Cancer Research. Colleen studied as a teacher and supports projects that support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their potential, such as Ebony Horse Club in Brixton and the Tutu Foundation.

John is passionate about the critical role education plays in creating opportunities for children to succeed in life and seeks to promote this through his work at the National Association of Head Teachers where he is the Executive Director and also with the Royal Naval Reserve where he is Commanding Officer of HMS PRESIDENT, the largest of the Maritime Reserve Units based in Tower Hamlets. Through his Reservist role John is a keen supporter of youth engagement and development in the local community. Professionally qualified as both an engineer and a teacher John lectures part-time on a global MBA programme and holds Fellowships with the RGS, the CMI, CIPD, the IET and the RSA. Married to Janet they live in South East London with their two daughters.




David completed 20 years service in the Royal Corps of
Signals (TA) and 40 years service with HM Customs and
Excise, retiring as Assistant Chief Investigation Officer
and Head of Maritime Branch. He enjoys reading, playing with
his grandchildren and assisting the staff at their primary



Bruce lives in Mortlake. He was the first Director of Service Prosecutions from 2008-2013. He was called to the Bar in 1969, and made Queen’s Counsel in 1994. He has been a Recorder of the Crown Court since 1991, and is a Bencher of Gray’s Inn and a former Chairman of the Criminal Bar Association. He has travelled extensively promoting human rights and international justice principles in many countries including India, China, Mexico, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kosovo, Sri Lanka and Brazil. He is a member of the Advisory Committee for the Law and Criminology Department at Sheffield Hallam University. He retains many interests including painting, music, cycling, and the countryside. He feels highly privileged to serve the Lord-Lieutenant as his representative in the London Borough of Hillingdon.


Adrian served for 35 years in the Royal Navy specialising as a helicopter pilot and flying instructor but also commanding five times at sea ranging from a minesweeper to HMS OCEAN, Britain’s largest warship. He was Head of the Fleet Air Arm for 5 years and retired from the Navy as Second Sea Lord and Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command in 2008. He was Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Gibraltar from 2009 to 2013. Amongst a variety of charitable interests he is a trustee and Deputy Chairman of the National Museum of the Royal Navy and Patron of a number of Veterans’ Associations.



Sir Ian served 44 years as a police officer, his last 2 role being an assistant commissioner in the Metropolitan Police, with responsibility for day to day policing across London, and as the Chief Constable of the British Transport Police who operated on the railways across the UK. His most recent job was as the Director of Security for the Organising Committee for the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. He is currently having a third go at retiring and, amongst other things, is devoting more time to his role as Chairman of Orpington Rovers Boys Football club.


David is a partner of international investment specialists Oldfield Partners. Apart from this work, he is chairman of New Model School Company, a provider of excellent but affordable independent education. He is a governor of Gresham’s School, a founding trustee of The National Volunteer Police Cadets, a trustee of National Crimebeat, the prison ministry lead for St. Nicholas Church, Chiswick and a member of the court of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers. He was High Sheriff of Greater London 2013-14.

He lives in Chiswick with his wife and three children. Interests include gardens, walking, wine, food and the arts.

Paul qualified as a Chartered Surveyor in the City of London becoming involved in the City civic and commercial, education, a City Company, the Reserve Forces, and various charities. Worked in the City 1971/2012. Master 2008/9 Parish Clerks’ Co, Honorary Ward Clerk and Parochial Church Council member for St Margaret Lothbury.

Reserve Forces 1971/2009 attached to London District. Honorary Surveyor Guards’ Chapel. Governor London Nautical School and Emanuel School. Trustee of various charities for clergy, education and Jubilee Sailing Trust. Chairman John Rice Charity. Enjoys ocean sailing, choral music and maintains a strong interest in world affairs and military matters.

Dr Paul Knapman, a doctor and barrister, was HM Coroner for
Westminster. In over 30 years in that office he had extensive
dealings with all the blue light services, together with social
services , and voluntary groups in Westminster. He spent a few
years in the medical service of the RNR – and was Chairman of
Governors of the London Nautical School. His charitable activities
include having been Chairman of Trustees of the Coroners Court
Support Service when it won the Queens Award for Charitable Service
in 2009, and he is a trustee of the St Marylebone Almshouses charity.

He is Honorary Colonel to the Westminster Dragoons [C&S Squadron],
The Royal Yeomanry.

Sir Ken Knight served most of his professional life in the
Fire and Rescue Service. He commenced his fire service career in Surrey in 1966 and
subsequently served in a number of UK fire brigades. At a
principal officer level, he served as the Deputy Chief
Officer of Devon, the Chief Fire Officer of Dorset and West
Midlands Fire Services before being appointed as the London
Fire Commissioner in 2003.

In 2007 he was appointed as the Government’s Chief Fire and
Rescue Adviser until 2013.

Richard is a retired Senior Civil Servant. After an early career working with antiquarian books, he joined the Home Office where he was responsible at different times for civil emergencies, police reform, counter-terrorism, and setting up the Serious Organised Crime Agency. He also served on secondment in the Cabinet Office and the Department of Health. His final post in the Home Office was as Director of Serious Crime.

Living in West London, he is Chairman of the Polish Air Force Memorial Committee, Secretary to the Friends of No. 11 Group Operations Rooms (the Battle of Britain Bunker), Trustee of the Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Whitby, Chairman of the Thomas More Legal Centre, and Hon. President 342 (Ealing and Brentford) Squadron ATC.

He was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2000, and in 2011 he was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Polish Republic. In 2014 he was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London and is currently reviewing the operation of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in Greater London.


Of Malaysian Chinese origin, Mei Sim has lived in the UK since 1970. She is the Founder & Principal of LaiPeters &
Co, Chartered Accountants based in the City of London. Since the 1990s Mei Sim has held and currently holds a number of
Board appointments in the private, public, City and charity & voluntary sectors. In 2011-2012 she was Master of the
Worshipful Company of World Traders, the first Chinese person in the history of the City of London to be Master of
a Livery Company. In 2012 Mei Sim won the Asian Women of Achievement of Awards for Public Service in 2012.




Pinky Lilani is founder and chair of a number of awards which attempt to recognise influential women and leaders: Asian Women of Achievement Awards;the Women of the Future Award; and, the Global Empowerment Award. She is an Indian cookery specialist, consultant and owner of Spice Magic Ltd



Lord Lingfield (Robert) was knighted for services to education in the New Year’s Honours List of 1993 and became a Peer in 2010. He was a senior adviser in education to the government and in charge of the policy of independence for state schools from 1989-97. He was Vice-Chairman of Goldsmiths’ College, University of London from 1999-2005 and Pro-Chancellor of Brunel University from 2006-13. He was appointed in 2012 to chair a government Review of Professionalism in Further Education which was published as the Lingfield Report. As a consequence of its recommendations he was appointed by the Secretary of State to create a new national Royal Chartered Institution for Further Education. In 2006 his appointment as Knight Principal of the Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor was approved by The Queen; in 2012, he became Knight President. He is a Knight of the Order of St John (having been Director-General of St John Ambulance from 1984-89) and holds several foreign awards. He has several honorary degrees and fellowships and is a liveryman of the Goldsmiths’ Company and of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries. He is the founder chairman of the English Schools’ Orchestra (1998 to date) and of the Order of Mercy which encourages and recognises distinguished voluntary service in health care areas. He was appointed as Chairman of the Cadets Vocational Qualification Organisation in 2012.




Managing Director of the London Symphony Orchestra since 2005, Kathryn has held a variety of roles in the arts, including Music Director of the Arts Council; leading the bid to build Wales Millenium Centre in Cardiff; and directing City of London Festival. Brought up in Northern Ireland, she has a special interest in education, and currently serves on the Board of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. She is Chair of the Association of British Orchestras and the UK Family Arts Campaign; and a member of St Paul’s Cathedral Council. Her wider interests include tennis, hill-walking and travel.

Kevin is a Chartered Surveyor and is Chairman of M&M Asset Management. He was High Sheriff of Greater London 2014/15.

Kevin has worked in the property industry for over 30 years and is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors; the Worshipful Company of Chartered Surveyors and is a Freeman of the City of London.

He is Chair of the McGrath Charitable Trust: Chair of The Lyric Theatre Hammersmith: Vice Chair of The Clink Prison Restaurant Charity; Chair of The Islamix Foundation: Board Governor of the London South Bank University and Phoenix High School; Chair of QPR Ladies Football Club; and Trustee of the National Education Trust; The Old Vic Theatre and the QPR Sport in the Community Trust.


Colonel McRobbie took early retirement from his civilian job
in 1996, but continued his military service with the
Territorial Army, completing 38 years of service.
He is a serving Trustee of a number of charities and in
addition chairs a group involved in raising funds to provide
minibuses for disadvantaged children .
When he can find time, he enjoys playing golf.




Michael Messinger’s professional life was in the Metropolitan Police Service where he served for 40 years working in various posts in south and central London. On retirement in 2006 he continued a long association with St John Ambulance by volunteering both in the London region where he was the Commander and latterly at the national headquarters where he is currently a trustee and also the Chief Volunteer for the charity. He is very interested in promoting and championing volunteering of all types with a particular emphasis on encouraging young people to volunteer.

When not working he enjoys watching sport, reading and walking.

David Miles joined Kingston University as a lecturer in 1972. Professor of Business Education 1993, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law from 1983 to 1999, Pro Vice-Chancellor External Affairs from 1999 to 2007, he is currently Honorary Dean of Alumni & Development.

David was a City Councillor in Westminster, a member of the Inner London Education Authority, and Chair of the Council for Education in World Citizenship. His current roles include: Trustee of the Citizenship Foundation, Trustee of the Institute of Direct Marketing, and Trustee of Kingston University Students’ Union.



Leslie is a pharmacist, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He bought and transformed a retail pharmacy into one of the world’s leading specialist Pharmaceutical and medical distributors supplying 23,000 different products to 180 countries. He has pioneered the free donation of in date pharmaceuticals exceeding £22m to charities in developing countries. He is a visiting fellow at Cass Business School, specialising in lecturing in philanthropic issues and is Chairman of The Morgan Charitable Foundation. He is a Liveryman with The World Traders as well as the Blacksmiths.

Leslie was awarded an OBE in 2013 for services to the Pharmaceutical Industry and Charity.


In the past, Lieutenant Colonel Morriss has commanded a Royal Artillery Regiment (TA), been involved in international

shipping policy on behalf of OECD ship owners, and been past Master of the Worshipful Company of Glovers of London and
Past President/Chairman of the British Glove Association. He currently holds a number of voluntary appointments: Area
President – St John Ambulance; Chairman – North London Scouts County; Vice President – North East London Scouts
County; Chairman – Hackney Wick Community Training Centre (UXL); Branch President – The Royal British Legion; Area
President – Normandy Veterans Association; Prior of the – Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem; Trustee – the Lord Mayor
of London’s National Flood & Tempest Distress Fund; Chairman – the Chattels Charity; Board member – the National
Artillery Association.

Married and with interests in skiing, sub aqua, sailing, shooting, cycling and training for the next London Marathon.

Robert Murfin served for over 30 years in the Territorial
Army in a variety of appointments including command of 101
(City of London) Engineer Regiment (Explosive Ordnance
Disposal) (V) and eight years with the ACF as Commandant of
Kent Army Cadet Force.

He was appointed the Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the
London Borough of Bromley in 2001. He is the Clerk to a City
of London Livery Company.

Mrs. Bushra Nasir is an experienced educationalist. . She was the first female Muslim Head Teacher of a state secondary school. She is a trained Head Teacher mentor, School Improvement Partner and Advisor to governors for Head Teacher appraisal.

She is co-author of a book entitled ‘ Breaking stereotypes.’ She has been a keynote speaker at a number on national educational conferences. In 2012, Mrs. Nasir was awarded Head Teacher of the year by the Times Educational Supplement. She has received a number of recognitions and awards including a CBE, Asian Professional woman of the Year, Muslim News award for Faith into Action, Windrush award for Educational High Flier, Honorary Doctorate from University of East London and a Fellowship from QMUL. Currently she mentors 5 Head Teachers and supports a number of schools as a School Improvement Partner. She is a Council member of QMUL, board member of Mosaic (one of the Prince’s charities) and is the Chair of the Education committee of the Migration Museum Project.


Gillian Norton was Chief Executive of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames for 17 years, retiring in September 2017. Before that she was Chief Executive of Wokingham District Council for almost six years, initially as a shire district and then as a unitary authority.

She worked in local government all her career, joining the Greater London Council in 1975 as a graduate trainee and holding a variety of posts culminating in Assistant to the Director General. At this time the responsibilities included the running of the Greater London Lieutenancy.

She has been a Non Executive Director of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and its associated companies for a period of ten years up to 2010, chaired London Local Government’s Self Improvement Board from 2010-16 and led on health for the six boroughs of SW London until her retirement.

She is a Trustee of SE London Relate.

Nims is Pastor of Freedoms Ark and CEO of The Peace Alliance which works with faith, community, statutory and business organisations. He chaired the London Criminal Justice Board Advisory Group and has advised the government on social justice issues including crime and inequality. Nims pioneered the Week of Peace, he facilitates the London Leadership and Peace Awards and is a Deputy Lieutenant for Greater London.

Tony trained as a Chartered Accountant before moving into the property sector for the remainder of his City career. He retired as Finance Director of St Martins Property Group in 2001. He served in the Territorial Army from 1961 to 1991. He joined the Honourable Artillery Company and rose through the ranks to command the HAC Gun Troop as a Major from 1981 to 1983. He then served with 3rd Armoured Division in Germany as a TA Watch-keeper from 1984 to 1991.

Since retiring from business in the City, Tony has acted as a trustee of a number of charities, been Master of the Fan Makers, a City of London Livery Company, and commanded the
Company of Pikemen and Musketeers, the Lord Mayor of the City of London’s Bodyguard.



Justin is a philanthropist supporting youth development, wounded Service personnel and environmental issues. He is an ambassador for ‘GREATS’ and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. He gives school talks on Leadership and Achievement. He is a former Army officer who has competed in the ‘Whitbread Around the World Race, led expeditions to both Poles and climbed Everest.

Mary-Clare was born and raised in south east London, and works as a GP in Greenwich. An elected member of the LMC (Local Medical Committee), she is a fierce advocate of the NHS, and supports the role of general practice in reducing health inequalities across London. Mary-Clare is also the College Doctor for Morden College in Blackheath, an independent charity providing housing, support and nursing care for older people.

Married to Steven, she has four children and lives in Blackheath. Leisure pursuits include reading, music, theatre, and walking her dogs.


Ed taught biology at a comprehensive school in Somerset for two years before joining the Education Branch of the RAF. After serving for four years she left to have a family. She rejoined five years later as an Intelligence Officer. She has been a Deputy Lieutenant since 2003 and served as the Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the London Borough of Hillingdon from January 2004 to December 2013. She is a trustee of the Bentley Priory Museum Endowment Fund, Hon President of 1381 (West Drayton) Air Training Corps, a great supporter of youth work and cadet units and is a local patron of the Paul Strickland Scanner Centre at Mount Vernon Hospital.

Ed lives in north west London and is a Freeman of Hillingdon, the City of London, and has an Honorary Doctorate from Brunel University.


Maria is a born and bred Londoner who lives in the City of Westminster. Appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London in 2011 and in 2012 Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the London Borough of Hounslow.

A PR and media specialist working in the voluntary and private sectors included 12 years with the NSPCC as the architect of the celebrity strategy for the ground-breaking FULL STOP and other campaigns. Worked with musician Peter Gabriel running his Real World/WOMAD group, and as agent for Raymond Blanc, Matt Dawson, Austin Healey, Jeremy Guscott, Andrew Sheridan and Marie Helvin.

Now retired, involved in pro bono charity consultancy – The RSPCA, The Scouts’ Association, Combat Stress, The Ramblers’ Association and others.

Educated at LSE (B.Sc Econ), Cranfield School of Management (MBA). In my free time I work out, play bridge and watch rugby.

David is Vice Chancellor and CEO of London South Bank University and a member of the HEFCE Strategic Committee for Teaching Quality and the Student Experience. He was elected to Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh) for his contribution to medical research and education, made an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for services to Science and Higher Education and elected to the prestigious role of Academician by the Academy of Social Sciences for his work in areas linked to educational policy. The University of Bolton has awarded him with an honorary doctorate for his contribution to management and scholarship in the North West region and he was honoured by Vice Premier Liu Yandong for his individual achievements in China. He has special interests in education and science outreach having sat as a governor for a number of schools. He remains keen to support opportunities for children and young people in the UK and overseas


Rosi is the first woman at the helm of Central YMCA – the world’s first YMCA, founded in 1844, and now the largest global youth charity with almost 60 million members in over 120 countries – she has been in post since 2004. Leading up to that, Rosi was an educator and entrepreneur both home and abroad, founding one of the earliest health clubs in the UK in the mid ‘80s before tying her spotted hanky to a stick and making her way to London (no cat) to first volunteer, then work, at the YMCA.

Colonel (Retd) Hugh Purcell OBE MA DL is CEO of ‘Greater London and the City Reserve Forces’ & Cadets’ Associations’. Related roles include Clerk to The All Party Parliamentary Group Reserves & Cadets, Chairman Youth Organizations Uniform London, board member University of London Military Education Committee and Remember WW1, and charitable trusteeships.

Born in Dublin his military service included battalion command and his last appointment was working for three Government Departments, sustaining and creating partnerships with 35 countries.

‘Pro bono’ appointments include member Team London, Youth Research Forum and ambassador for ‘Soldier on’.

Married to Lucie, they live in London.

John Purnell served for 35 years with the Metropolitan Police in many posts across the Greater London area and on secondment to the Home Office (HM Inspectorate of Constabulary). He retired in 1998 as Deputy Assistant
Commissioner commanding north-west London. After his police career he spent 8 years until 2006 as the Global Security Director of Tesco plc.

He enjoys working with and mentoring young people.

He is a Liveryman of the City of London and the joint Founder of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals.

He is President of the Harrow St John Ambulance, Patron of the Harrow United Deaf Club and Treasurer of the Bushey Old Peoples’ Luncheon Club

He enjoys walking, golf, rugby, reading and cooking.

John served for 16 years in the Grenadier Guards before joining SG Warburg & Co. Ltd. and subsequently Mercury Asset Management for a further 20 years. He is currently the Chairman of The Hedley Foundation, the Standard Bearer of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms (The Queen’s Body Guard), a Skinner and the Vice President of the Cavalry and Guards Club. He has been married for over forty years and his interests include gardening, golf and skiing.



Martin Russell provides education in the ways of wholesale
financial markets to a range of institutions and firms in
London and beyond. He became a banker and later a corporate
treasurer, and has served with the Regular, Reserve and
Cadet Forces. A family man, each of his sons is an officer
in the Regular Army, and his daughter a Reservist.



Babulal Sethia (usually known as ‘B’) is a congenital heart surgeon at the Royal Brompton Hospital and the current President of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) (2014-17). After training in London and Glasgow he was a Consultant in Birmingham for 13 years before returning to London in 1999. He has helped to develop congenital heart programmes in a number of countries on a voluntary basis and has a major interest in global health. As President of the RSM he has promoted new programmes in global health and in widening access to careers in healthcare. He and his wife Nicky have 4 children. His other interests are classical music, sport and wine.


Colonel Piers Storie-Pugh took over the role of Chief Executive of The Not Forgotten Association (NFA) in January 2011. He is also currently a Trustee of The League of Mercy and a Reserve Forces Honorary Colonel. In 1985 Piers set up and ran Remembrance Travel for The Royal British Legion, an operation that specialised in visits to war cemeteries and memorials worldwide. He commanded his Territorial Army Battalion 1991-19923 and was then appointed Deputy Commander 2nd Infantry Brigade and TA Colonel 4th Division 1994-1997 in the rank of Full Colonel. He became the Reserve Forces representative on the Control Board of the Army Benevolent Fund in 1995 and was appointed ADC to HM The Queen in 1996. Piers Storie-Pugh is an MBE (Mil) and an OBE (Civ).

Today, Cyrus is proprietor and executive chef of the Café Spice Namasté group (Café Spice Namasté and The Parsee). He was also one of the team involved in the NHS Better Food Programme chaired by Loyd Grossman. In 2000, Cyrus was awarded an MBE for his commitment and expertise in the restaurant and catering industry and an OBE in 2009.

Cyrus is married and lives with his wife Pervin, who is general manager of Café Spice Namasté, and their two children in east London.

Kevin is a consultant in public sector communication and marketing. He was with the Cabinet Office (COI) and was an advisor to a European Commission vice president. A Deputy Lieutenant since 2006, Kevin commanded the Army Cadet Force Public Relations Unit, with the retired rank of Major. A past president of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, Kevin lectures at the University of Switzerland and has an MA in Mass Communication. A past director of a charity running aid convoys to Sahrawi refugee camps, he is a trustee of Sir Ranulph Fiennes’s Transglobe Expedition Trust and lives in Kennington.



Pieter is General Editor and Greenwich Curator at the National Maritime Museum (Royal Museums Greenwich), which he joined in 1974. While primarily a researcher and writer, his professional and voluntary activities include the application of specialist expertise and museum management experience to the appreciation and enhancement of the architectural-heritage environment, to maximize the widest possible benefits from it. A graduate of the Universities of Manchester and Bristol (Ph.D 1979), and recently awarded an Hon. D.Litt. (2015) from the University of Greenwich, he was appointed MBE in 2012 for services to heritage and the community in Greenwich. He and his wife Elizabeth (an oil paintings conservator) live in Greenwich and have two sons, now in their 20s.


Tony served in the Territorial Army for forty two years. Subsequently he was Chairman of Greater London Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for ten years and is currently Chairman of the Society of Friends of the National Army Museum. He is a building surveyor by profession and spent twenty five years with Brakspear’s Brewery as the property director. He now runs his own planning consultancy. He is curator of the Berkshire Yeomanry Museum.



Michael Walker was born in Southern Rhodesia. On leaving school he taught for a couple of years and spent the next 42 years serving in the Army. His final tour of duty was as Chief of Defence Staff. He retired from the Army in 2006 and served as Governor of The Royal Hospital Chelsea until 2011. He sits as a Crossbencher in the House of Lords. His voluntary work includes the Stoll, Veterans’ Aid, the BSAP Trust and a number of smaller local charities. He is married with three adult children.



Mrs Clare Whelan served for 24 years
on the London Borough of Lambeth and
was the millenium year Mayor of Lambeth.
Clare was appointed OBE for services to
local government in 2013. She worked at
Parliament for 25 years and is now an advisor
on the healthcare sector and local government.
The Rev’d Canon Dr Flora Winfield was one of the first women ordained in the Church of England and now serves as the Anglican Communion Representative to the United Nations. Over 26 years in ordained ministry, Flora has been in parish ministry, university chaplaincy and teaching, ecumenical work, international relations, cathedral ministry and most recently, served for seven years as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Secretary for Anglican Relations. Flora has served as a Chaplain to the Reserve Forces for 18 years and is Chaplain to the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry. Her other voluntary work has been concentrated around issues of homelessness and education for girls and women.


Charles Winstanley served with 16th/5th Lancers in Northern Ireland, the Middle East, and Cyprus. In his subsequent service with the Royal Yeomanry he commanded squadrons in Belfast and London. His business career was in manufacturing and management consulting. After running his own strategy consultancy, he served on the MoD central board and chaired an NHS board and a probation board. He is now a member of the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, and NED at the UK Supreme Court. Charles was appointed a DL in 1997, and was Representative DL for Camden for ten years. His London base is in Chiswick.

Dame Fiona Woolf is an energy and infrastructure lawyer with CMS Cameron McKenna who has worked on projects and reforms, particularly in the electricity sector, in over 40 countries. A past President of the Law Society, she was Lord Mayor of London in 2013/14 promoting London and the whole of the UK–based financial, professional and business services sector. Only the second woman in the role since 1189, she seized the opportunity to champion diversity and inclusion and also urban sustainability and the transition to a low carbon economy. She is also a Trustee of the Science Museum Group which enables her to continue promoting STEM subjects to young people. In her spare time she sings with the Chelsea Opera Group, of which she is President.

Peter Woolley was appointed in 1996 and was the Representative DL for Wandsworth until 2001. He took particular interest in the Reserve Forces and Cadets and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award .

He served almost 30 years in the Army : in Europe , the Middle East and Africa . He flew helicopters , commanded his Regiment ( the Prince of Wales’s Own Regiment of Yorkshire ) in the ACE Mobile Force and in Berlin . He led the British contingent of the Multinational Force in Lebanon in 1984 , commanded 24 Airmobile Brigade from 1986 to 1988 and attended the Royal College of Defence Studies.

He left the Army in 1991 to become the Registrar and Chief Executive of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons . In 1997 he joined an executive search firm where he developed a successful practice . Both he and his wife , Claire , are keen golfers – and still hoping to improve .

Appointed 1998. Served as Representative DL Royal Borough of Greenwich 1998-2013. A Retired hospital Obstetrician and Gynaecologist he also Commanded 217 (London) General Hospital RAMC(V). He is an Anglican Reader and Lay Canon of Southwark Cathedral. Holds an Honorary Doctorate from Greenwich University 2004. Trustee for 20 years and Past Chairman of ‘BibleLands’ (renamed ‘Embrace’) he continues to support indigenous Christians living in Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt . He has particular interests in ecumenical and interfaith projects, health, uniformed organisations, the environment, education, architecture and music.





Harvard and Oxford educated, Roxane Zand began a career in museum and arts administration after three years in UNESCO. She left Iran after the Revolution to resume professional activities in London in the field of education and the arts, and as one of the founding members of the Harvard Club of London. She was an officer of the Iran Heritage Foundation before moving to Asia House, as well as freelance consultancies for numerous projects for the British Museum and elsewhere in the art world before joining Sothebys in 2006 where she is now Deputy Chairman for the Middle East. Currently she sits on the Advisory Council of the Pictet Art Prize, the Development Board of the University of the Arts London, and has been appointed as a Deputy Lieutenant in London. She is also arts editor for the Encyclpoedia Islamica. At Sothebys she has played an instrumental role in developing and contributing to sales of Arab and Iranian art, and has conducted a number of charity auctions to benefit causes in the MENA region.