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Lord-Lieutenant’s Patronages – Greater London Lieutenancy

Lord-Lieutenant's Patronages

The Lord-Lieutenant is Patron of a number of charities who predominantly work in Greater London and share the Lieutenancy’s vision.

big-kid-foundationBIGKID Foundation

BIGKID Foundation equips young people at risk of social exclusion and youth violence to take control of their lives, find, develop and act on their own potential. Through our Youth Club Without Walls, our Mentoring and our Breaking Barriers Leadership Programmes we offer young people opportunities to develop leadership skills and give them a vital sense of belonging.


Red Trouser Day

RTD SquareRed Trouser Day is a charity that raises funds for research, innovation and the acquisition of products and services to improve bowel cancer patient outcomes at The Royal Marsden Hospital. The charity is a vehicle that allows patients and their families to have something that enables them to feel more positive about their situation and provides a community for sharing knowledge, experiences and events.


SHS logoSchool-Home Support

School-Home Support (SHS) is a charity working with children and families to maximise educational opportunities and improve life chances. Partnering with schools, local authorities and families, SHS looks beyond the classroom to understand and tackle the issues affecting children’s learning. Since 1984, we have used early intervention to break intergenerational cycles of low aspirations, academic failure and worklessness, replacing them with children in school, ready to learn.