Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the London Borough of Bromley

Colonel RW Murfin TD DL

Appointed Rep DL: 2001

bromleyRobert Murfin served for over 30 years in the Territorial Army in a variety of appointments including command of 101 (City of London) Engineer Regiment (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) (V) and eight years with the ACF as Commandant of Kent Army Cadet Force.

He was appointed the Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the London Borough of Bromley in 2001. He is the Clerk to a City of London Livery Company.

Further information about the London Borough of Bromley can be found at



Proclamation Reading – Sunday 11 September 2022

The Deputy Lieutenant Colonel RW Murfin TD DL attended the Reading of the Proclamation Ceremony led by the Mayor of Bromley.

Colonel Murfin signing the Book of Condolence.

The Ceremony can also be viewed on YouTube at the following link

Queen’s Award for Enterprise Presentation

Colonel Murfit presented a QAE award to the recipients – Autoflame Engineering Group – at its base at Biggin Hill on Wednesday 14 September.

Remembrance Sunday

On Remembrance Sunday the Mayor and Mayoress attended a service of Memorial at Bromley Parish Church, which included a 2-minute silence and the sounding of ‘The Last Post’. They
were joined by Sir Bob Neill MP, the Deputy Lieutenant Colonel RW Murfin TD DL, the Chief Executive Ade Adetosoye OBE and other Borough dignitaries. Following the memorial service, the Civic party processed up to the War Memorial, stopping along the route to receive a salute from the March past. When the party arrived at the war memorial, the Mayor lead the wreath laying ceremony. The Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress attended the Act of Remembrance at Orpington War Memorial to observe the 2-minute silence. Wreaths were laid at the memorial before those taking part marched up to All Saints Church for a Memorial Service. The congregation then processed out of the graveyard and paused at the grave of Ivy Millichamp – the last person to die by enemy actions in these islands during the second world war. The party then moved on to lay wreaths at Canadian Corner to honour the many Canadian soldiers from
the First World War who are buried there.

Some  more of the latest engagements in the Borough of Bromley have been detailed in the Second Edition of the Mayor of Bromley’s Newsletter.

Mayor of Bromley’s Newsletter Second Edition

Commemorative oak tree planted to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee

A commemorative oak tree has been planted on the seventieth day of the seventieth year of Her Majesty’s accession to the throne on the 11th March 2022.

The oak tree was planted today by the Mayor of Bromley, Councillor Russell L. Mellor, marking the Platinum Jubilee. The oak sapling was especially gifted to the Borough by the Lord Lieutenancy, the Queen’s representative, in support of the Queen’s Green Canopy campaign to commemorate the seventy years of Her Majesty’s historic reign.

Councillor Russell Mellor, the Mayor of Bromley said, “In grateful recognition of the amazing achievement of Her Majesty the Queen’s seventy years of service to our nation and our borough, I am deeply honoured to plant this tree on behalf of the borough. Oak trees are deeply symbolic and continue growing for many generations, and in that way, this will be a lasting tribute. I warmly encourage residents to plant a tree if they can, and they too can register it on the Green Canopy website.”

In addition to the new oak tree in Cyphers Gate, Beckenham, 1500 trees from the council’s Treemendous planting initiative are also being planted across the borough in support of the Queen’s Green Canopy campaign. Residents are also being encouraged to plant their own tree in part of the campaign.

These trees, as well as newly planted trees from across the country, can be viewed on the Queen’s Green Canopy website.

His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

A one minute silence was held at the Civic Centre, Bromley at 1100hrs local time, on Saturday, 10th April 2021.

The event was socially distanced in accordance with current Government guidelines and was live streamed on the Bromley Council website

Those attending included The Worshipful The Mayor of Bromley, The Chief Executive Bromley Council, the Leader of the Council and the Deputy Mayor

Eltham College’s opening of Turberville Building  and the new Foxbury Medical Centre.