Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the Lond
on Borough of Haringey
Captain Peter Baker RD DL RNR
Appointed Rep DL: June 2014
Following a short career in the Royal Navy, Captain Baker joined the Royal Naval Reserve. He was based onboard HMS President in London and served for over 30 years. In his civilian career, he worked in Information Technology with the Department of Health, retiring after 35 years service. He is married to Jacqueline and lives in Essex. He enjoys hill walking, music and military history.
Further information about the London Borough of Haringey can be found at
Wood Green Remembrance Sunday – Sunday 12 November 2023
Members of Haringey’s multi-faith community joined Representative Deputy Lieutenant, Captain Peter Baker, in offering prayers for the fallen at at a Remembrance Day service at Wood Green.

Left to right: Erim Metto, Turkish Cypriot Community Association, Andreas Constantinides, St Barnabus Greek Orthodox Church, Cllr Peray Ahmet, Leader Haringey Council, Father Ian Booth, St Michael’s Church Wood Green, Cllr Lester Buxton, Mayor of Haringey, Capt Peter Baker RNR, Deputy Lieutenant, Bibi Khan MBE DL, Wightman Road Mosque, Judith Prinsley, Muswell Hill Synagogue and Hussain Hashim, Cyprus Islamic Association Al Hasim Trust
Poetry Together Events in Haringey – November 2023
Poetry Together is a project that encourages schools and older people’s homes to get together, have a tea party, and recite poems together. Captain Peter Baker, Deputy Lieutenant for Haringey, is the Borough’s Poetry Together Champion and as such he has attended a number of Poetry Together events in Haringey to spread the word.
Residents of Protheroe House and children from Harris Academy Primary School came together to perform poems. The young school children performed a poem with actions called ‘The Old King of Dorchester’ and the residents performed an original poem called ‘Happiness Is’ in which each line of the poem was a resident’s own choice of what made them happy.

Residents of Protheroe House and children from Harris Academy Primary School
Residents of Lorenco House and students from Haringey 6th Form College also recited together an original poem called ‘Happiness Is’ in which everyone recited what made them happy as part of the performance.

Residents of Lorenco House and students from Haringey 6th Form College
Proclamation Reading – Sunday 11 September 2022
Capt Peter Baker – Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the Borough of Haringey – attended the Proclamation Reading outside George Meehan House in Wood Green.
God Save The King! Captain Baker calls for three cheers for King Charles III at the reading of the Accession Proclamation.

Haringey’s Holocaust Memorial Day Event
Peter Baker, the Representative Deputy Lieutenant for Haringey, attended the Borough’s multi-faith Holocaust Memorial Day event on Sunday 27 January 2019. This event saw Holocaust and genocide survivors, Members of Parliament, Councillors, faith leaders, cadets, schoolchildren, community groups and residents gather at Haringey’s Civic Centre to remember and honour victims of the Holocaust and those who died in other genocides across the world. The theme for this years event was ’Torn From Home’. ‘Home’ usually means a place of safety, comfort and security and the event reflected on what happens when individuals, families and communities are driven out of, or wrenched from their homes, because of persecution or the threat of genocide, alongside the continuing difficulties survivors face as they try to find and build new homes when the genocide is over. At the event, Pierre-Celestine Rusenga, survivor of the Genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda, Mirsad Solakovic, survivor of the Bosnian Genocide and Irene Kurer, Holocaust survivor, shared their harrowing and moving stories about being ‘Torn from Home’ and the loss through genocide of close family members.
(Photo: from L-R – Pierre-Celestine Rusenga, Catherine West MP, Irene Kurer, David Lammy MP, Mirsad Solakovic)
YOU Haringey Event.

Over seventy young people and their leaders from Haringey’s uniformed youth groups spent last weekend (30 June – 1 July) challenging themselves at their annual combined event, this year held at London District Sea Cadet Boat Station at Docklands. Raft building, canoeing, rowing and kayaking were all part of Saturday’s challenge with professional instruction and supervision provided throughout. While mainly intended for fun teams were marked and gained points on team spirit leadership and most improvement displayed during the various activities.
The annual event takes places in Armed Forces week and the Sunday parade reflects that. After the civic march and parade by the uniformed youth groups from TS Wizard along White Hart Lane, all assembled for an inspection at the Civic Centre in front of the Mayor of Haringey Councillor Gina Adamou accompanied by the Representative Deputy Lieutenant of the Borough Captain Peter Baker, Catherine West MP and other dignitaries.
The Mayor presented the winner of the most improved award to Andrew Myers Nobbs representing Scouting in Haringey. She remarked on how happy she was to be able to make the presentation and how proud she was of the young people and all their efforts. Captain Baker also took the opportunity to present the prestigious Representative Deputy Lieutenant’s Award for dedication in his cadet role to Able Cadet Renato Osmani of Haringey Sea Cadet Unit.
Deputy Lieutenant’s Certificate
Captain Peter Baker, RD DL RNR, the Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the London Borough of Haringey attended Highgate School on 19th June to award a Deputy Lieutenant’s Certificate to Cadet Colour Sergeant Oliver Smouha, CCF. The certificate was awarded to Oliver in recognition of this outstanding example as a cadet and member of the community. Only the most exceptional cadets are considered for this award and there were only 5 certificates awarded across all the uniformed youth groups of Haringey in 2018. Oliver and his CCF unit should be very proud of his achievement. Oliver will be leaving Highgate School and the CCF this summer and will be going to Bristol University in September. He aims to join the University’s Officer Training Corp and to become a military engineer on completion of his degree.

The London Borough of Haringey mark and support Armed Forces Day 2017
On 19th June, the Mayor, Cllr Stephen Mann and the Representative Deputy Lieutenant, Captain Peter Baker RD RNR. invited local dignitaries and veterans to Haringey Civic Centre to raise the Armed Forces Flag (picture). The flag was flown outside the Civic Centre throughout the week.
Over the weekend of 24th and 25th June, in support of Armed Forces Day, Haringey’s Youth Organisations in Uniform (YOU) held a Competition Day in which the various YOU groups competed in a number of exercises to showcase their skills. This was followed on the Sunday by a Civic March and Parade where the Mayor took the salute and awarded prizes to the winning teams from the Competition Day. The overall winning team was 16F Squadron (Hornsey) ATC (picture). Captain Baker also took the opportunity to present his Deputy Lieutenant’s Certificates to three of the cadets on parade (Picture).