
Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames.

Fr Martin Hislop DL

Appointed Rep DL: 2018

Martin is the Vicar of St Luke’s CofE Parish in Kingston upon Thames where he has served since 2000. Martin emigrated as a young child with his parents to Australia returning to live and work in the United Kingdom in 2000.From his time in Australia and his professional service in the Federal Department of Aboriginal Affairs and as a university lecturer Martin has maintained a passionate interest and concern for social justice, equality, inclusion and education. Since being appointed parish priest at St Luke’s, Kingston upon Thames in 2000 Martin has played an active role in church, ecumenical and inter faith relations.hislop (1)

Further information about the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames can be found at

National Holocaust Memorial Weekend – 26-28 January 2024

On Friday 26th January 2024 Representative Deputy Lieutenant, The Reverend Martin Hislop, was invited to lead the Pledge at the Holocaust Memorial Ceremony held at the Kingston War Memorial Gardens and on Sunday 28th January attended the Kingston Faith Forum Holocaust Memorial Event at Kingston University.

Palestine Medical Aid Fair at the Islamic Centre, 28th January 2024

On Sunday 28th January 2024 Representative Deputy Lieutenant, The Reverend Martin Hislop, attended the Palestine Medical Aid Fair at the Islamic Centre in Kingston.

Kingston Crown Court Service, 24th September 2018

Martin Hislop  presenting a DL certificate to Cadet WO Joanna Dunn

Fr Martin Hislop  presenting a DL certificate to Cadet WO Joanna Dunn at 1034 (Surbiton and Esher) Squadron RAF Air Cadets the evening of  13th September 2018.


On Sunday The Installation of Col Geoffrey Godbold OBE TD DL as High Steward of the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames took place at the Remembrance Sunday Reception Council Chamber, Guildhall.

The Royal Borough is believed to be the only local authority which has the right to appoint its own High Steward (and Honorary Recorder) without approval of the Crown.

An meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 17 October 2017, it was resolved that, in recognition of his eminent service to the Royal Borough over a period of more than 16 years, Colonel Geoffrey Godbold OBE TD DL, be appointed as High Steward of the Royal Borough, to take effect from 12 November 2017.

During the reception, Colonel Godbold was presented with a framed illuminated scroll setting out the above resolution of the Council on his appointment.